Alfie King

server backend survivor


Im not good with writing so dont expect much here. I am a student who is learning c++ and python. I've Done a few projects that i think are decent enough to show off, so I have put them on this website. I like to mess around with linux and have a few servers that I run. I've been running a server for a few years now, and I have learned a lot from it. I have also switched to linux on my main computer, which has been slightly annoying at times (mainly because one of my most played games' anticheat doesn't support on linux atm. Also, the lack of photoshop is a pain).

I am also a fan of some 2000s internet culture, so I intend to "Eventualy" make a alternitive website that is a bit more like that. I have seen a few sites that I like, such as ne0nbandit street. Neocities is a great place to find sites like that.

I would like to make some more projects in the future, but I am not sure what I want to make yet. I tend to make thing on impulse a lot, and motivation is "lacking" at times. So the few ideas I do have may never come to fruition. I hope to get better at art so i could hopefully make a game that is somewhat interesting. But im at a lack of ideas at the moment.

I would also like to have a functional blog on this site, but I bearly talk about much so I dont know what I would write about. I like to ramble on about random things, but I dont think that would be very interesting to read, and I think that I would forget to update it. I have a tumblr that I have had for a few years now, but I dont post on it (the social anxiety is too much for me :<). However I hope to get better at that in the future.

I will probably put this site on my git server at some point, but I dont know when that will be. I have a few other projects that I want to put on there, but I have been lazy and havent done it yet (or maybe I have and just forgot to update this).

At this point i'm just trying to fill up space so that this site looks more interesting. I hope that I can make this site more interesting in the future, but for now have this cat. :3

      |\      _,,,---,,_
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_
     |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'
    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)


Game without a name

This is a game that I made in c++ using sdl. It is a simple platformer at the moment and will probably change in the future. It is supposed to be a school project, but I am mainly working on it to learn c++. I hope to create a more interesting game in the future, but for now, this is what I have.

It is fully open source, but at the moment I havent got around to uploading it on my git server. However, it does require sdl to run, so you will need to install that if you want to run it.

I plan on making a better "engine" for it in the future, with more quality of life features and a functioning collision system. Currently, there i a very basic level editor that I made from recyling the code from the game.

Term owo

I made this project as a joke, I can't remember exactly what I baised it off other than the fact that it was somthing similar to this but in a different language. I originally made it in python, but I have since rewritten it in c++ so that it would be faster and so that I could learn c++.

It is mostly just a bunch of regex replacements, but I plan on adding more features in the future that add more ":3" and such to the output. It currently has a few features, such as reading and writing to files, and automatically putting the output to the clipboard.