diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 5a05b87..264e348 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
I'm a year old with a love for computer science and a passion for creating. I enjoy setting myself challenges and thrive when it comes to short deadlines.
I love learning and want to push myself to do more and leave my comfort zones.
- I hope to find a career in software engineering, and aim for an apprenticeship at the end of year 13 (starting 2025).
- I think my greatest achievements are my GCSE grades and my personal growth over the past couple of years.
+ I hope to find a career in software engineering, cyber security, or any interesting field at all, and am aiming to get an apprenticeship at the end of year 13 (which would be starting 2025).
+ I think my greatest achievement is my personal growth over the past few of years. I've greatly improved my ability to talk in front of people and under stress. I have also improved my technical knowledge of things outside the scope of my A-levels. This includes things like fixing laptops, and various devices, for fun. This was of course greatly aided by my friends who all have knowlede of different fields which I have been picking up over time.